This year came in with quite a bang for me. Not the usual kind however. I came home from church this Sunday and proceeded to feel nauseous and downright sick. I was stricken with that stomach virus that was going around. I felt like I could've died and in actuality, it very well could've been my last day on earth. And imagine, there are people who go to a lot of trouble to feel this way the next day all in the name of a good time. We take so much for granted. The good news is that if I had been called home, I would be in the arms of Jesus right now. But what about those who still remain unsaved$%: I wonder what the death toll was this New Year's Eve for unsaved souls who gave the Savior no thought$%: I am writing this in hopes that people will realize that tomorrow is not promised to anyone...not me, not one! We shouldn't put off one year, one day, one hour, one minute or one second. We never know when our time will come.
This leads me right back to the hopes that we have in quitting bad habits without first making a decision to start a good one. In the end, making a decision for Christ is all that will matter. However good our intentions are of succeeding at anything, we all must first be held accountable to something or rather Some One that we can answer to. There must be a strong driving force that keeps us on the straight and narrow. Unless we have something greater to answer to, all our efforts will fall short. Man simply can't boast of his own accomplishements. Unless you believe in God's Word, you may have a problem believing this, but in the end it really doesn't matter. God's Word will always triumph over any false opinions or beliefs anyone may have, including yours or mine. I do not give my personal opinion, I am presenting you with God's Truth. The next step is up to you. Believe it...or not.